2024年12月10日、モーリーン・アンド・マイク・マンスフィールド財団と米国研究製薬工業協会(PhRMA)は、「マンスフィールド-PhRMA研究者プログラム」10周年記念イベント(於東京)として、「日本の創薬エコシステムの改善と今後の課題~マンスフィールド-PhRMA研究者プログラムの10 年を振り返る~」と題したシンポジウムとレセプションを開催しました。
記念イベントでは、マンスフィールド財団のフランク・ジャヌージ理事長による歓迎のビデオメッセージに続き、武見敬三参議院議員(前厚生労働大臣)より開会のご挨拶を賜りました。その後、二つのパネルディスカッション「スカラーの貢献を振り返る:日本の創薬エコシステムの改善にむけて」(モデレーター:株式会社ミナケア代表取締役社長 山本雄士氏)および「ネクストステップ: 日本で医薬品研究を商業化するための健全なエコシステムを構築するには何が必要か?」(モデレーター:日経バイオテク編集長 久保田文氏)が行われ、創薬エコシステムの改善に向け、産官学の立場からの活発な議論が行われました。
January 23, 2025
“10th Anniversary Event of the Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program Held”
On December 10, 2024, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) co-hosted a 10th Anniversary Symposium and Reception for the Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program in Tokyo, titled “Improving Japan’s Drug Discovery Ecosystem and Future Challenges – Reflecting on 10 Years of the Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program.”
The Mansfield-PhRMA Researcher Program has been implemented as part of the Young Scientist Program since 2013 with the support of PhRMA. This program sends young Japanese researchers in drug development to the United States for two weeks to provide an opportunity to learn about translational research, health policy, pharmaceutical research and development, and regulatory science in the United States. Despite interruptions in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program sent its 10th cohort to the United States this September. Since its inception, the program has supported a total of 101 participants, including 80 scholars from medical and pharmaceutical research institutions and 21 observers from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
The commemorative event opened with a video message from the Mansfield Foundation’s President and CEO, Frank Jannuzi, followed by remarks from The Honorable Keizo Takemi, Member of the House of Councillors and former Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare. Subsequently, two panel discussions were held with the titles of “Reflecting on Scholars’ Contributions: Towards Improving Japan’s Drug Discovery Ecosystem” (moderated by Dr. Yuji Yamamoto, Founder and CEO, MinaCare Co., Ltd.) and “Next Steps: Building a Robust Ecosystem to Commercialize Pharmaceutical Research in Japan” (moderated by Ms. Aya Kubota, Editor-in-Chief of Nikkei Biotechnology & Business). These sessions fostered lively discussions on enhancing Japan’s drug discovery ecosystem from academic, governmental, and industry perspectives.
The symposium concluded with closing remarks from Ambassador Hans Klemm, PhRMA’s Japan Representative. At the reception that followed, Dr. Michelle McConnell, Regional Director for the East Asia and Pacific Region Office, Centers for Disease Control, offered congratulatory remarks. The event also provided an opportunity for program participants and stakeholders from various fields, including patient advocacy groups, to engage in meaningful exchanges.
A Decade of Progress and Future Aspirations
In his video message, Mansfield Foundation President Frank Jannuzi reflected on the program’s mission, stating the program “is the embodiment of what Ambassador Mansfield meant when he said that the U.S.-Japan alliance is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, bar none. In the field of medical research, Japan and the United States truly are global leaders, and there is much that we can learn from each other, and the return from that investment and cooperation is vast.”
He also highlighted lessons learned over the program’s decade-long history:
“First, this truly is a win-win relationship. The Japanese scholars bring as much to the United States as they take home with them. Second, there is no cookie-cutter approach to getting translational medicine right. What works in the United States cannot simply be cut and pasted into Japan, and yet the scholars are each changed by their experience. They do bring home a spirit of risk-taking, entrepreneurship, and innovation that is already showing results. And finally, as with all advances in science, the impact of this program will be measured by the cumulative effect over time of each individual action.”
Ambassador Klemm, PhRMA’s Japan Representative, also reflected on the program’s achievements, stating “Over the years, the program has supported more than 100 participants, who had the opportunity to explore a world-leading drug discovery ecosystem, and apply these learnings in Japan.”
He also touched on the “drug loss” challenge in Japan, where medicines approved in the United States or Europe are not developed in Japan, and stressed the importance of addressing this collaboratively by industry, government, academia, as well listening to the voices of patients and their families.
Looking Ahead
The program aims to foster talent and strengthen U.S.-Japan collaboration to drive pharmaceutical innovation. Through this event, the participants shared their respective practices in contributing to the improvement of the drug discovery ecosystem and discussed the challenges for future initiatives.
Mr. Jannuzi expressed expectations for the future while emphasizing the importance of taking risks and continuing to challenge the status quo in drug discovery.
Ambassador Klemm concluded by stating “I hope this program will continue to nurture the talent necessary to support Japan’s drug discovery ecosystem and contribute to making Japan a global leader in pharmaceutical innovation.”
As a bridge between the United States and Japan, the Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program remains committed to creating new value in the field of medicine.
About the Mansfield-PhRMA Researcher Program
The Mansfield-PhRMA Researcher Program has been implemented as part of the Young Scientist Program since 2013 with the support of PhRMA. This program sends eight Japanese researchers in drug development and observers from METI, AMED, and PMDA to the United States for two weeks to provide an opportunity to learn about translational research, health policy, pharmaceutical research and development, and regulatory science in the United States. During the study tour, participants meet with relevant parties from U.S. government health policy departments, think tanks, private pharmaceutical companies, universities, etc. in Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Boston to deepen their understanding of how each actor works together in the drug discovery process from basic research to clinical development/commercialization, and to learn about the current state of the U.S. medical ecosystem.