欧州製薬団体連合会 会長 カーステン・ブルン
米国研究製薬工業協会 在日執行委員会委員長 パトリック・ジョンソン
●欧州製薬団体連合会(EFPIA) Japan
2002年4月に設立されたEFPIA Japanには、日本で事業展開している欧州の研究開発志向の製薬企業24社が加盟しています。2015年の加盟各社の総売上高は、日本の製薬市場の売上の約24%を占めています。EFPIA Japanの使命は、“革新的な医薬品・ワクチンの早期導入を通じて、日本の医療と患者さんに貢献する”ことです。EFPIAは常に“患者さん優先”に注力することで日本の医療向上に向けて政策決定者との対話を強化することを期待しています。
TEL:03-3291-0118 FAX:03-3291-0223
21 November, 2016
EFPIA and PhRMA Regret the Continued Moves Away from a Pro-innovation Policy Environmentand Call for a Partnership with Government to Restore Stability and Predictability in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Market
Carsten Brunn
Chairman, EFPIA Japan
Patrik Jonsson
Chairman, Japan Based Executive Committee, PhRMA
EFPIA and PhRMA regret the continued deterioration in the stability and predictability of the Japanese pharmaceutical pricing environment. The industry shares the goal of ensuring the long-term sustainability of the national healthcare system, but also believes stronger emphasis must be put on providing adequate reward for innovation to ensure that Japanese patients continue to have early access to cutting edge life-saving medicines, to attract further investment in Japan, and to allow this sector to reach its potential as a growth engine of the Japanese economy.In particular:
In recent years, the Japanese pro-innovation pharmaceutical pricing environment has worked efficiently to the benefit of patients/society, government and the industry. Exceptional cases have raised questions about reform of the pricing system, but it continues to function well. The government, the industry, and other stakeholders should work in partnership to find long-term solutions that will maintain a system that supports continued innovation for the benefit of patients in Japan. EFPIA and PhRMA are ready and willing to contribute to such a partnership.